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Gleaner reporter, Avia Collinder speaks with the Chief Regulatory Officer, Wentworth Graham to discuss the new system.  Please use the following link to access the story.

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The JSE RMOD Launches its Automated Surveillance System

The Jamaica Stock Exchange’s (JSE) Regulatory & Market Oversight Division (RMOD) launched its pioneering Automated Market Surveillance System on September 18, 2009 at a Press Conference in Kingston. The system, which has been in development for the past year, will facilitate near real-time monitoring, investigating and tracking of trading activities on the

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Previously under JSE Rule 407 – Quarterly Financial Statements, listed companies were required to declare to the Exchange, at the beginning of the Third Quarter, the option to submit its Quarterly Results which can be either  (i) Fourth Quarter Financials  submitted 45 days (Unaudited) and 90-day (Audited), or (ii) 60-days

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New Chairman & Director Named to the RMOC

At the Jamaica Stock Exchange’s (JSE) 32nd Annual General Meeting, Ms. Nicole Lambert was appointed to the Board of Directors pending approval by the Financial Services Commission. Miss Lambert will serve as an independent Director and sit on the Regulatory & Market Oversight Committee (RMOC).  Miss Lambert replaces Miss Hilary

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The Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) will now require all listed companies to include a Management Discussion and Analysis Disclosure as part of their annual report and Prospectus/Offer document to the market. This disclosure is a standard report internationally and is also a requirement of the Securities Act 1999 and The

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The Complaint Management System (CMS) Guidelines are a set of internationally accepted standards and best practices that member-firms are required to use to manage customer complaints. These guidelines are intended to improve the customer service delivery of member-dealers who are on the Exchange. As a complement to JSE Rule 121

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Jamaica Stock Exchange develops real-time Monitoring System

The Regulatory & Market Oversight Division (RMOD) of the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) along with its Information Technology Department has undertaken steps to develop a semi-automated market surveillance system. The RMOD takes time out to speak with the JSE’s IT Manager, Miss Suzette McNaught, on the update of the system.

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JSE Rule111 – RMOC has been created to recognize the RMOC as the body that oversees the JSE’s regulatory responsibilities as well as fulfils the organization’s disciplinary functions.  Also JSE Rule 229– Disciplinary Proceedings has been amended to define disciplinary proceedings, acts of misconduct and disciplinary procedures. Prior to the

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Strategizing with Regulations

If Jamaica is to be properly positioned in the global economy there must not only be the enforcement of laws, but also a practice of compliance.  With a borderless global environment companies and investors must be cognizant of the regulatory requirements that will preserve and promote their prosperity in the

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