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Everything Fresh Limited – Listing Ceremony

The Regulatory and Market Oversight Division’s (RMOD) Acting Chief Regulatory Officer, Mr. Andrae Tulloch (right), presents the JSE’s Rule Book to Mr. Stephen Greig (left), Company Secretary of Everything Fresh Limited.  The occasion was the listing ceremony for the company, which was held at the offices of the JSE on

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Sygnus Credit Investments Limited – Listing Ceremony

The Regulatory and Market Oversight Division’s (RMOD) Acting Chief Regulatory Officer, Mr. Andrae Tulloch (right), presents the JSE’s Rule Book to Mr. Ike Johnson (left), Director of Sygnus Credit Investments Limited. The occasion was the listing ceremony for the company, which was held at the offices of the JSE on

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JSE Rules Orientation Session – Palace Amusement Limited

Mr. Andrae Tulloch (left), Acting Chief Regulatory Officer is photographed with Ms. Nedra Bailey and Mr. Wilfred Bailey of Company Services Limited, appointed Company Secretary of Palace Amusement Limited. The occasion was a JSE Rules Orientation Session which was held at the Jamaica Stock Exchange on Thursday May 10, 2018.

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JSE Rules Orientation Session – Seprod Limited

Market Surveillance and Compliance Officers, Mr. Richard Grizzle (left) and Mr. Reynard Whyte (right) presents a copy of the JSE Main Market Rule book to Mr. Damion Dodd and Ms. Zonya Brown of Seprod Limited. The occasion was a JSE Rule orientation session which was conducted at Seprod Limited on May

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Listing Ceremony – CAC 2000

Market Surveillance and Compliance Officer, Mr. Reynard Whyte presents the JSE Junior Market Rule Book to CAC 2000 Limited’s Chief Technical Officer, Mr. Colin Roberts. The occasion was the  listing ceremony for CAC 2000 Limited preference share, held on May 11, 2018 at the Jamaica Stock Exchange.

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Listing Ceremony – JMMB Group Limited

The Regulatory and Market Oversight Division’s (RMOD) Acting Chief Regulatory Officer, Mr. Andrae Tulloch (right), presents the JSE’s Rule Book to Ms. Carolyn DaCosta (left), Company Secretary of JMMB Group Limited(JMMBGL). The occasion was the listing ceremony for the company’s preference shares, which was held at the offices of the

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Listing Ceremony – Derrimon Trading Company Limited

Market Surveillance and Compliance Officer of the Regulatory and Market Oversight Division (RMOD), Mr. Richard Grizzle, presents the JSE Junior Market Rule Book to Derrimon Trading Company Limited’s (DTL)Company Secretary, Mrs. Monique Cotterell, The occasion was a listing ceremony for DTL’s preference share, held at the Jamaica Stock Exchange on

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