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One Great Studio Co Ltd (1GS) – AGM Resolutions Passed

One Great Studio Co Ltd (1GS) held its Annual General Meeting in virtual format on August 21, 2024, at 3:00 pm, and the following resolutions were passed:


“THAT the Audited Accounts for the year ended December 31, 2023, together with the Reports of the Directors and Auditor be approved and adopted.”


In accordance with Article 114 of the Company’s Articles of Incorporation one-third of the directors, those who have been longest in office since the last election, shall retire. The retiring directors are (i) Simone Bowie Jones, (ii) Marc Ramsay and (iii) John Bailey. Pursuant to Article 117 of the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, all the retiring directors offer themselves for re-election.

2a. “THAT Simone Bowie Jones be and is hereby re-elected a Director of the Company.”

2b. “THAT Marc Ramsay be and is hereby re-elected a Director of the Company.”

2c. “THAT John Bailey be and is hereby re-elected a Director of the Company.”


“THAT the shareholders of the Company hereby delegate their power pursuant to Article 107 of the Articles of the Company to the Board of Directors of the Company who are hereby authorised to fix the remuneration of the Directors.”


“THAT as recommended by the Directors, the interim dividend paid on May 3, 2024 be and are hereby declared as final, and no further dividend be paid in respect of the financial year ended December 31, 2023.”


“THAT CrichtonMullings & Associates, Chartered Accountants having agreed to hold office as auditors of the Company, be and are hereby appointed auditors of the Company to hold office until the next annual general meeting at a remuneration to be fixed by the Directors of the Company.”

Shareholders can watch the recording of the AGM at