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December 14, 2010

Jamaica Broilers Group Ltd

Jamaica Broilers Group Ltd has advised that it considers immaterial (for purposes of disclosure, in accordance with the rules of the Jamaica Stock Exchange,) the borrowings from the IIC of US$2M approved by the IIC in August 2010 and disbursed to the Company in September 2010. The loan made by

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JPS Dividend Consideration

  Jamaica Public Service has advised that the Board of Directors of the Company will be asked to consider the declaration and payment of dividend on preference shares of the Company at the its meeting scheduled for December 13, 2010. Dividend will be payable on April 1, 2011. The record

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JMMB Preference Share Offer

The prospectus may be viewed via the following link, This prospectus was posted on December 14, 2010 as a result of technical difficulties experienced by the Issuer.

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